Pattern analysis is made possible by linking data from from production systems, spreadsheets, and other semi structured and unstructured formats in a flexible standards based resource description framework that gives you visibility across all your data and enables you to answer ad hoc business questions.

    SPARQL: queries can be saved and repeated at the push of a button.

    1. SPARQL query that is a regex style search.
    2. SPARQL query to find relationships based on ontologies
    3. SPARQL Query that applies rules in the form of a pattern applied on the data and the results comply with the pattern
    • we use patterns to reason and infer relationships
    • we can check rules using SPARQL maps
    • with your help we can find stored procedures and triggers and we can be modify your rules into RDF patterns
    • using a variety of tools we can minimizing data profiling and manual joins
    • different levels of cleaning and classification may have to be done for each system